Hiring Fairs
Transition Careers, a small business, is a facilitator of Defense, IT, Cyber and Intel Hirng Events. Our events provide employers an opportunity to exhibit and meet face-to-face with Active Duty Service Members, Guard/Reserve, Veterans and Experienced Professionals. The vast majority of the job seekers have Active Security Clearances, Defense, IT, Cyber, Engineering, Technical or Intelligence backgrounds.
Our events takes place on-site strategic military installations (The Pentagon, Joint Base San Antonio, Fort Gordon, Defense Intelligence Agency HQ, Redstone Arsenal, Peterson AFB/U.S.. Space Force and many more!) and is open to job seekers (active duty, guard/reserve, federal civilians, contractors, veterans and family members) with access to the installation. This means your organization will meet higher quaility job seekers with current defense experiences, skillsets, security clearances and compared to a job fair "off-base" and open to the general public.
By exhibiting at our events you can identify new candidates, passive candidates and create awareness about your organization at targeted military installations.
Interested in buying access to resumes from a specific miltary installation or a past event. We can bundle or sell you access to specific event resumes. Please contact us for pricing.

Private Hiring Event
On-Site Military Installation
Just got awarded a contract or immediate hires needed? We have the unique ability to help you facilitate your own private hiring event on-site most military installations.
Transition Careers will create a customized recruitment campaign that targets the right candidates and military occupations that match up with your hiring needs.
Our services are customizable depending on your needs and budget.
Please contact us for details and to get a quote.

Email blast to our entire job seeker database to include posts on our social media accounts (LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook) about your organization and job openings.
Purchase Resumes
Interested in buying access to resumes from a specific miltary installation or a past event. We can bundle or sell you access to specific event resumes.

Job Board
Want to post jobs or search for candidates on our dynamic nationwide job board. We can sell you access to the job board. Or you can get free access by purchasing one of our higher level exhibit packages for any hiring fair.